For a long time, it was commonplace to hear people say, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” But that truism has given way to a new one Special leads in the B2B world: everything has changed. It has done so profoundly and quickly—and will only continue in that vein. At the Marketing Nation Roadshow in Boston on October 3, Marketo’s CEO Special leads, Steve Lucas, shared a vision for how modern marketers can capitalize on this new reality.
In this blog, I’ll cover how marketers can use personalization Special leads at scale to foster deeper engagement with their customers. Marketers Must Adapt to Survive By now, it’s widely accepted that today’s buyers are in charge. They dictate their journeys and experiences and set the tone for interactions and engagement with brands. But are you aware of just how radically Special leads their expectations have shifted? Consider these stats: 79% of Special leads buyers only consider brands that understand and care about them
Wunderman) 70% of buying experiences are based on how Special leads customers feel they’re being understood (McKinsey) 66% of customers expect their interactions with brands to be personalized (Marketo) What does this mean to marketers? It means buyers want companies to respect (and align with) their values, and they do not make purchases based on logic Special leads alone. It means marketing to inboxes and selling to smartphones won’t cut it. It means a personalization strategy for your brand is as important as a personalization strategy for your content. as possible.